How to Choose a Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Services Provider

Date Monday, 20 October 2014. Posted in News

Pdm-servicesThe initiation or implementation of a Predictive Maintenance program (also known as Condition Based Maintenance) usually involves outsourcing the service to a third company.

When we focus on the maintenance service providers, we find multiple and diverse alternatives. It is a broad spectrum, which goes from local engine shops, machine shops, big oil companies, manufacturers of bearings, to compressor manufacturers. All of those can market themselves as an alternative for predictive services.

Some criteria that we should consider when selecting a PdM service provider:

  1. Certified analysts and qualified personnel in various technologies.
  2. Ability to integrate multiple technologies:
    1. An effective predictive maintenance program requires a multi-technology approach to detect all possible failure modes of the equipment.
    2. A PdM service provider must have the ability to integrate between 4-5 key PdM technologies comprising 15-20 PdM specific applications.
  3. PdM is a core competency:
    1. Each of the different companies and/or industries has different core competencies and differentiators. If we want to get a return on investment from our PdM program, we must ensure that the selected provider has a single goal: the success of the program.

It is imperative to have PdM analysts that can transform the data collected into information that our organizations can use to make smart decisions. At a minimum, the service provider must employ analysts:

  • Trained, certified in technologies and with technical training in the field. Must have certifications at various levels for different technologies used such as Vibration Analysts Category I, II and III.
  • Motivated, proactive and passionate about the work
  • 1-2 years of experience under a mentor

Ideally we should select a provider not only for PdM, but also focused on solutions. There are also providers who in addition to staffing for a PdM program implementation, can also provide assistance in the design stage, purchase of equipment, training and mentoring. We must keep in mind that the needs and opportunities change as the PdM program matures. Having a supplier that can have the versatility to meet the needs of the business is essential to the continuation of the initiative. This way we ensure consistency when developing a long-term PdM program.